Friday, November 1, 2013

October 2013 - Cutting Firewood

Jim and I loaded up the Polaris and took it to the lodge last weekend to use for carrying firewood up the hill.  We have been cutting down about 8 of the dead cedar trees (we have over 40 dead trees due to the beetle blight) with logs of up to 24 inches that needed to be hauled up the hill and split for use this winter.

Though we tried to get the trailer ready for hauling Friday night - by midnight we figured out that we would not leave until Saturday morning.  Jim had the heavy plywood on - but we still needed to add all the tie downs and light kit and figure out how to get the Polaris on the trailer without having a good set of ramps - we used heavy duty plywood in the end.

When we arrived at the lodge on Saturday, the first order of business was to haul up wood we had cut 2 weeks earlier.  Jim took the Polaris down the school rode, through the gate, over the creek and onto the lawn area so that we could load up oak and cedar.

Then, once that pile was up in the front, we started cutting down additional dead cedars in the back of the property.  To get to those cedars, Jim and I had to cut a trail through the woods and down the hill quite a ways.  We used machetes, loppers and the chainsaw to clear small trees and brush.  We also had to move some rocks that were in the way of the path.  All in all, only took about 2 hours to get down to the bottom.

We used the rest of Saturday to cut down about 8 trees, cut them up and pile up the debris.  Sunday, we hauled the rest of the wood up the hill and spent the day splitting and stacking wood (we rented the log splitter from Hills).

We now have enough firewood for a heavy winter.  No need to buy any!

We saw Art and one of his friends on Saturday and another neighbor stopped by on Sunday for bit.  Overall a pretty busy weekend - with no time to complete the barbeque hut or work on the sauna.