Wednesday, December 9, 2020

December 9, 2020 - Late Winter Equals More Updates to Cabin

If there is anyone left who does not believe in climate change, please take an extended visit to the Sierra. Millions of trees are dead in our national forests from the Pine Beetle Blight making the forest a tinderbox for fire. The lack of snow in the high sierra is alarming and weather has continued to be unseasonably warm. And we are hearing the dreaded "drought" word again.

With the warmer climate, Jim and I have continued our fixer projects later in the season than usual. The west side of the cabin is completly resided now with one coat of paint (second coat will be next year). Scaffolding has been taken down and loaned to our neighbor. Cleanup of all the debris is done. All reusable plywood has been stacked and covered with tarps for winter.

Jim has also completed the roof over the game room deck. I have been busy with our annual branch burning in our firepit and being Jim's helper whenever I am at the lodge. I also did our annual firewood splitting and stacking and cut up some small logs for firewood at home. I still have a lot of indoor work to complete (drywall patching on two downstairs bedroom window sills from the residing project, painting, inside trim work) but that will wait until I return to the lodge after the Christmas Holiday.

Our neighbors have been busy as well. The "other" Jim is busy working on the shed he inherited from the previous owners of his cabin. The shed was left as a shell, clad in plywood and chipboard and Jim has added roofing, siding and is working on getting a deck added (it is on the hill so access is tricky). Adrian is working on limbing his trees and removing his (and some of our) chain link fencing from the property and basically cleaning up and setting up his cabin. He is also our "resident adventurer" and has found ways to access the Mountental Spires and trying to locate the ghost town by the Hellester area. His amazing photo of Spires below.

Few guests at the lodge and less adventures due to the COVID crisis. We are hoping for a vaccine approval soon. The election is a hot mess. I am clearly just tired of the mess and would like us all to focuss our attention on healing the country now.

Jim is bringing home the Polaris this weekend which is a sign that winter is about to descend on the lodge. Snow expected next week. Let's hope it is enough to get us out of thie dreaded drought.