Friday, July 27, 2018

July 21, 2018 - Slow Summer

It has been a rather quiet summer at the lodge.  No reunions, no big parties, no family get togethers.  Jim has been working on updating the deck next to  to the screened in deck room - a 8 foot by 20 foot deck that is down about 4 steps from the room. The original trex on it needed to be flipped (like the trex in the screen room) and it needed new railings, support and steps.  I am hoping it will be done by the end of summer.

However, we have run into another project that may take precedence.  Rather than doing a lot line adjustment for our Game Room portable, We have decided to move the portable about 10 feet onto our property and raise it about 3 feet off the ground (for better drainage).  After that project is complete, I plan to remove the lower chain link fence from our road and from behind the game room since we no longer need it.

Additionally, I will be scouring Craigslist for a nice (but affordable) wood stove for the game room for us to install - hopefully this winter.  And of course, I need to paint the game room to match the lodge.  Once all of those items are done - the game room will look more like it belongs to our property than the school property.

We have not seen a lot of our neighbors lately.  Bryan and Leslie are working hard at their bike shop and Leslie is dealing with some health issues - so they are not up often.  The Russians have left and the rest of the owners of the Hyatt building are still deciding of they want to keep their shares in the site or sell it.  And they have not been up since June.

So - it is just Jim and Quincy and me most weekends at the lodge.  That's ok though - it is alright to have a slow summer for a change.