Friday, August 22, 2014

August 2014

It has been a while since I have posted to our blog.  We have been up to the lodge quite a few times this summer, but we have also been busy moving our daughter up to the north-most part of California. After her graduation from Chico, she was able to secure a music teacher position near Yreka.  She will be teaching at 2 grammar schools, one junior high and one high school.

We continue to be concerned about the drought in the sierra and the possibility of wild fires.  There were 5 fires in the Yreka area while we were moving Mary Beth from Chico.  There have been at least 3 large fires in and around Yosemite.  A small fire broke out at one of our neighbors homes down near Fulda, leaving the inside burnt and smoke stained, luckily it went no further than that dwelling. We have been very lucky so far, and keep knocking on wood.

 Jim and I have been looking to secure a used 5000 gallon water tank for our Dutch Flat Volunteer Fire Dept to use in first response should a fire break out in our little hamlet.  We have 4 homes in our little area and of course the Emigrant Gap School.  Of course 5000 gallons would not be enough to protect all the buildings - but it would be a start.  We plan to put the tank on the area where we will eventually be building our garage (for now).

We have also been cutting weeds and grass to keep the dry kindling down to a minimum.  And next month we will be cutting down more dead cedars (we continue to be plagued by the pine beetle blight and it is taking about 10 cedars each summer).

To replace our cedars (and once this stupid drought is over) we plan to try sequoia, firs, pine and more apple trees.  Wish us luck.  With the changing climate, it is hard to tell what will work in our area.

In another year or so, the school will be turning the portable over to us (they will be decommissioning it and we have an arrangement for them to give it to us as part of a use agreement for the land they are using to get access to the school).  We plan to pull the portable toward the cabin, which will entail grading, graveling and foundation of sorts, adding electricity (and if I get my way plumbing).  We will use the structure as a game room (ping pong table etc) and for extra sleeping space.

For improvements to the lodge, we added an armoire to the remodeled bedroom and moved out one of the old plywood closets,  Jim is also working on a cabinet for the microwave and drinking water storage that should be complete by September.

That is all I have to post for now. No new historic finds (I still need to go to the county offices).